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NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Service Description

NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming. NEUROLOGY The physical components as well as the mental and emotional components of our neurology. The workings of our brain's thought patterns. LANGUAGE Linguistics pertains to the language that you use, and more specifically, how you communicate with others. Most importantly, it is how you communicate with yourself! PROGRAMING (Frame) Perceiving your mind as your internal operating system, Programming is the way our past, present and future experiences, thoughts and emotions affect all areas of our lives. NLP is like learning the language of your own mind! Let’s make this simpler with an example… Have you tried to communicate with someone who didn’t speak your language, and didn't understand you? When someone goes to a restaurant in another country, they think they ordered chicken, the food's fish. You order coffee and you take the first sip of tea! This is the kind of relationship that most of us have with our own unconscious minds. We might think we are “ordering up" a different perspective from what we thought we were. It may seem like we have a healthy relationship with our family members, or just being able to stick to a healthy diet…but unless that’s what showing up, then something is probably getting lost in translation. NLP is forming an agreement between the subconscious and the conscious mind. NLP helps you when you are in a "stuck state", struggling with decision making or navigating what it is that serves you best. It is a wonderful tool for reducing anxiety and trauma. NLP offers us a different perspective with tools to help us re-align our thoughts and our actions. Take home tools, anchors and guidelines in order to activate the action of a less anxious lifestyle with a feeling of safety and confidence. NLP provides you with a pathway that is life-changing, taking you from survival to a thriving mindset. A model of interpersonal communication that connects patterns of behaviour and thought that lends itself to self-awareness and the ability to change patterns of mental and emotional behaviour. The core is the concept that the map is not the territory. In other words, we can never truly know reality, we only know our perception of reality and we interact with this perceived reality through our sensory systems. This interaction is what gives our perception of reality meaning, not reality itself. Reality then is not what limits us, it is our perception of reality that does.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule an appointment please ensure that this is done so 48 hours before hand. All appointments are payable 48 hours prior to the appointment. The appointment is non-refundable.

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